What is KIDDOS Toys Club?
The Toys Club is an innovative toys rental concept to reduce the number of toys wasted and to save money on buying toys. Each month you will receive age-appropriate toys for your kiddo(s). After 4 weeks we'll pick up the old toys and deliver a new bag of toys at the same time.
What is the Summer 'Stay & Play' Promo?
You will receive 10 toys at once (120AED) and you can keep them for 2 Months. We also have the option of 15 toys (180AED) or 20 toys (240AED). Please note that we are a toy RENTAL company and we will pick up the toys after 2 Months from the date you receiving the toys. This works slightly different from our regular membership and it is valid for new members only. This is a one-time payment and the memberships do not automatically renew. We understand kids are kids and toys sometimes do break. We therefore do not charge for broken toys (during normal play). For lost toys or parts, and for broken parts due to misuse of the toys we do charge a small replacement fee.
Please check our FAQ for more information and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.